Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Digit-al Dozen does Christmas In July - Neon Santa

Hey there!  It's Day 4 of The Digit-al Dozen's Christmas In July week and today's mani is pretty much a nail fail.  I wanted to do typical holiday images but in neon so it would be summer-y but I was clearly not on my game the night I did these.  Once I put the picture on the computer I wasn't happy so I did another neon holiday mani but it was even worse!  So I gave up and stuck with this one.  But I promise, tomorrow's mani won't suck so bear with me...

For these I used a poinsettia and Santa image from Dashica Infinity Nails-154.  I did the stamping with Mundo de Unas Black and filled the images with Color Club Tangerine Scream, Peace Love & Polish, Now So Mellow Yellow, What A Shock!, Bell Bottle Babe, Volt of Light, Pure Energy, Right On, Kapow!, Electric Candy and Foxy Mama.  I applied the reverse stamping over a base of Color Club French Tip.  

I really don't know why my stamping is streaking so bad lately.  Maybe it's the bottle of top coat I'm on?  I've been using the brand forever and it's always been great.  Perhaps I thinned it and don't remember.  I really need to start paying better attention!  

Thanks for sticking with me today.  Sometimes you just gotta post the bad manis...especially when you don't have time to do a new one.  That's the case today.

'Til next time...

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