Thursday, July 31, 2014
OPI Coca-Cola Nails
Hey there! Are any other folks out there complete Coca-Cola junkies like me? Yes, I know I could make healthier choices but who wants to drink water when you could drink Coke? So I was super excited when I first saw that OPI was coming out with Coca-Cola shades. I bought them as soon as they were available here but for some reason I forgot to post these earlier even though I wore them in June. You can see just how perfectly they matched the red to the signature Coca-Cola red labels.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Pueen Encore Stamping with Mundo de Unas
Hey there! Have you ever found a nail art product that you can't live without? For me, it's Mundo de Unas stamping polishes. I love stamping and no other stamping polish can compare to hers. They're bright, opaque, thick and dry slowly enough that you don't need to rush like a madman to try to get your image on your nail. Unfortunately, it's looking like she might not be able to ship internationally anymore so someone in the stamping community came up with the idea to wear pink mani's today to show our support for her. I based mine on her logo and it gave me a good reason to try out my new Pueen Encore plates. Win win!
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Sunday Stamping - Tiger Nails
Hey there! This week's Sunday stamping challenge is honouring World Tiger Day which is celebrated on July 29th (this Tuesday) to raise awareness of the danger of extinction that tigers face. Honestly, I didn't even know there was a World Tiger Day but I'm the perfect example of someone who knows very little about these majestic creatures. Until recently, I thought lions and tigers were best buds, chilling in Africa together. Did you know Africa doesn't have tigers? I didn't!
Lucky for me, I didn't need to be a tiger expert to wear some tiger nails.
Lucky for me, I didn't need to be a tiger expert to wear some tiger nails.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Waterfall Nail Art
Hey there! I have a quick post for you on this Friday evening. Ever since I saw Sammy of The Nailasaurus' waterfall nail art, I've been wanting to try it but was too intimidated. But I finally gave it a try. Here's my first attempt.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Color Club Poptastic Neon Water Marble Nail Art
Hey there! I did a water marble...and it worked! A couple of weeks ago I was chilling at the cabin all alone and I had brought the new Color Club Poptastic collection with me so I decided to give water marbling another shot and I'm so glad I did. I've never been so proud of a water marble as I was of these ones when I did them. Or I should say I was proud of this hand. The other one looked like a toddler had scribbled on me, haha! Luckily this is the hand you get to see...
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Sunday Stamping - Inspired by your phone case
Hey there! It's almost 4 am here but I'm not quite ready for bed so I thought now would be a good time to write a late night Sunday Stamping post. This week's theme is "inspired by your phone case". This was a difficult one for me since my phone case is already made of nail polish. I completely stole the idea from Nail Gun XS and used Femme Fatale nail polishes to make a glitter rainbow on a cheap clear plastic case. . So for the stamping all I could really do was add the scratches that my case has now.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Double Nail Stamping
Hey there! Late last night I posted a swatch of Picture Polish Whimsy, my pick for Nail Polish Canada's huge giveaway. While I had Whimsy on, I thought I'd use it as the base for a little double stamping.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Nail Polish Canada's The Great Polish Giveaway of 2014
Hey there! One of my favourite places to shop, Nail Polish Canada, is hosting a huge giveaway, partnered with Picture Polish, Cirque and NCLA. It currently sits at 64 polishes up for grabs and can grow to up to 200 polishes as bloggers nominate their favourites. The polish that I chose to add is Picture Polish Whimsy. Everyone knows I'm a huge Picture Polish fan so I'm taking this opportunity to also share a swatch of this beautiful colour. Please enter with my Rafflecopter widget below. You can also get additional entries on all the other blogs you see this on.
This is 3 coats of Picture Polish Whimsy plus top coat. Check out that golden shimmer!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!
'Til next time...
This is 3 coats of Picture Polish Whimsy plus top coat. Check out that golden shimmer!
Good luck!
'Til next time...
Monday, July 14, 2014
Vivid Lacquer Brain Nail Stamping
Hey there! Since it's Monday and my brain is notoriously slow on Mondays I thought I would finally share some stamping I did with one of the newer Vivid Lacquer plates, VL026. You might not know that I'm a molecular biologist and I work in a neurobiology lab so when I first saw the preview for this plate, I knew right away that I had to order it. So while this might look gross to some of you, I think it's pretty cool.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Sunday Stamping - Sunray Nail Stamping
Hey there! So today's Sunday Stamping theme isn't sunday nails but I didn't want to title the post with what the theme is. The theme is actually "a stamp you don't like". My logic behind my pick wasn't because I don't like the image. I really like this image but it's so darn hard to use. I've tried to use it many times in the past and they were always massive fails because I'm terrible at centring it on my nail. But I think I managed it this time...or at least I managed better than I have before!
Friday, July 11, 2014
Holographic Butterfly Stamping Decals
Press Sample
Hey there! I recently reviewed the Electric You collection from Celestial Cosmetics and Color4Nails. I told you then that I knew I'd be playing with these guys a lot and this is the first result of said playing. I thought bright holographics and butterflies would make a great combination so I made some stamping decals.
Hey there! I recently reviewed the Electric You collection from Celestial Cosmetics and Color4Nails. I told you then that I knew I'd be playing with these guys a lot and this is the first result of said playing. I thought bright holographics and butterflies would make a great combination so I made some stamping decals.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Tribal Nail Stamping with Picture Polish Chillax and Swagger
Hey there! Happy Wednesday to you! Today I used a couple more Picture Polish shades (what can I say...I'm loyal to the brands I adore) to do some saran wrap nails. Even though I super loved the saran wrap look (which reminded me that I need to do them way more often), I covered them with some rough tribal stamping.
Monday, July 7, 2014
Lightning Nail Art & Picture Polish Electric Blue
Hey there! I hope everybody had a great weekend (a great long weekend for those of you in the USA). I mostly just chilled at home. We got hit with one heck of a thunderstorm on Friday night...lightning, thunder, hail, sheets of rain...the whole shebang. I know a lot of people love thunderstorms. I'm not exactly one of those people. Don't get me wrong, I think they're super neat and interesting but I get scared to death! I'm honestly like a scared puppy. It's quite embarrassing. But, on the plus side, the crazy thunderstorms we get were the inspiration for this lightning nail art.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Sunday Stamping - Lacy Nails
Hey there! This week's Sunday stamping challenge is "Lacy" so, even though I posted some lace nails not that long ago, here I am with another instalment. There's so many great lace stamping plates that have been released lately that I couldn't resist.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Fourth of July Nails
Hey there! Happy 4th of July to my American readers! I hope you all are having a great holiday. To commemorate your holiday I have a couple of (very similar) looks to share. I'm not particularly impressed with either but I didn't have time to do any extras...sorry! I guess I'll leave it to my American comrades to pull out the really spectacular Independence Day mani's.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
10.1 Polish Icing Collection Stamping
Hey there! I am home from my lovely 4 day weekend at the lake where I got to do some fishing, wakeboarding and waterskiing so I'm a happy girl :-) I do love the water...too bad I can't actually swim! Completely unrelated to my love of water, I have a quick mani that I did awhile ago after seeing one of the amazing mani's done by Beaching Nails. Her flower stamping made me immediately email 10.1 Polish and order the entire Icing collection. Here's what I came up with the first time I used them...
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