
Monday, February 15, 2016

The Digit-al Dozen does Nail Heroes - The Crumpet

Hey there!  It's a new Digit-al Dozen week!  With Valentine's Day being just yesterday, this week we're giving our nail heroes some love.  For me that means I'll be focusing on bloggers/Instagrammers/brands that I love and who always inspire.  And it means I get to copycat lots of manis which I love doing (hence my blog name).  As a group, we're starting with our friend and fearless DD leader, who just happens to be one of my biggest nail heroes - the always amazing Debbie from The Crumpet!  Debbie never ceases to amaze me with, not just her nail art, but who she is as a person.  Debbie recently announced her transition into nail blog retirement which breaks my heart but luckily we'll be able to keep up with her new blog, Debhoorah.  I've never met her in real life but I truly consider Debbie a friend, a mentor and a hero.  She is responsible for starting almost all of the  groups I'm in (seriously, who has that much energy?) and these groups give me so many happy feelings.  Because of them I've been introduced to the loveliest of ladies (I'm looking at you Digit-al Dozen girls) and for that I'll be forever grateful to Debbie.  So thank you for everythingDebbie!  Love you!

I decided to do Debbie's gradient flowers from this post.  Debbie absolutely rocks the dotticure flowers so I wanted to give them a try to honour her and her nail skills.  

image source
I decided to change it up by using one of Debbie's favourite colors (purple) and a brand that hails from her home country (which happens to be one of my nail hero brands), A England.  I started with a gradient base of A England Fonteyn, Crown of Thistles and Lady of The Lake.

I then tried to copy Debbie's flower pattern, including the color pattern with a dotting tool.  Seriously the number of times I looked back and forth between my nails and Debbie's photo was amusing.  I probably looked like I was watching a tennis match with my head swinging back and forth like that!  

Lastly, I matte'ed it to see how it would look.  I like the sparkly holo version better but here's the matte version for those of you who like matte.  

So, once again, thank you to Debbie for being who you are.  I hope you know how much we all love you.  It's funny how some of the people I like the most are people I've never met.  I've never had "internet friends" before but I'm so glad I do and that is mostly thanks to Debbie.  I have a feeling there may be another Crumpet-inspired mani or two in the links below so if you'd like to see how she has inspired the rest of the Digit-al Dozen, check them out.

'Til next time...

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