
Friday, September 27, 2013

GlitterBunny Strawbermelon

Hey there!  Tonight I have another polish that I put on as soon as I received it in the mail.  Strawbermelon is a red jelly with small black glitter that "can't decide if it's a strawberry or a watermelon".  I decided to put it to the test!

I used 3 coats of Strawbermelon plus topcoat and these cute fruit topper water decals from the Born Pretty Store to do my test.  This feels very scientific.  I wish I knew how to put these pictures side by side.

So what do you think?  Is it a strawberry or a watermelon?  My vote is strawberry but a friend voted watermelon so it's currently a tie.

I purchased Strawbermelon at GlitterBunny's online shop here and the water decals from the Born Pretty Store here.

'Til next time...


  1. Both are adorable! But I think I will vote for strawberry!

    1. Glad you agree! Who doesn't like people agreeing with them,haha!
