
Thursday, November 29, 2018

Last Fall Nails Of The Year?

Hey there!  Since I have done two more mani's with fall leaves this year that I haven't shared it, I figured I might as well pop in and post them today.  It's going to be December in two short days so it's now or never!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Late Autumn Whats Up Nails Stencils

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Hey there!  Last week I received a new package of awesome products from Whats Up Nails, one of my favourite nail art suppliers.  It appeared that some of the stencils were fall and halloween themed so I thought I better start playing with them right away before the entire world is covered in snow (yes, I know the entire world will never be covered in snow but since I live in a northern city, it feels like a winter wonderland already).

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

UberChic Beauty Happy Christmas Stamping Plate

Press  Sample

Hey there!  Early Thanksgiving to any of my American friends out there.  Since your turkey day is almost here I thought now would be a good time to start looking at the next holiday's nail art... Christmas!  I just so happen to have UberChic Beauty's 2018 Christmas plate, Happy Christmas, to help me do that.  I've had it in my hands for a few weeks already so I've gotten to play with it quite a bit.  I didn't want to go full Christmas yet so there's not a ton of red and green but I'm sure you'll be seeing plenty of that as soon as Thanksgiving is over.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Madam Glam Swatches and Nail Art

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Hey there!  I hope everyone had a great weekend.  Mine was really nice, getting to see family and some friends I haven't seen in a too long.  But now it's back to work reality but I decided to take a little break to write up a blog post about some gel polishes I recently tried from Madam Glam.  I don't use gel often but when I do, Madam Glam is my go-to brand.  I have purchased/reviewed a few and they're consistently great.  They're more opaque than other gel brands I've tried and always apply nicely...hence they're my go-to.  I received 4 polishes in this package, plus their no-wipe top coat which I used for all the swatches.  I also decided to do a bit of nail art with each of them that I hope you enjoy.

Friday, November 16, 2018

The Digit-al Dozen does Look Up/Nail Crazies Unite - Fall Foliage

Hey there!  Alas, we've come to yet another end to a Digit-al Dozen's theme.  In case you haven't read this week, we've been doing manis inspired by what we see when we "Look Up".  Until today, all my manis have been pretty colourless but I made up for it today!  It also happens to be Nail Crazies Unite Fall Foliage day so I tried to mimic (as closely as possible) what I saw when I was out and about on a Saturday afternoon two weeks ago.  The skies were bright blue and the river valley was full of evergreen trees and other conifers which had turned yellow (side note: I seriously didn't know there were conifers that changed color until this year and they're absolutely gorgeous).  Most of the other trees had lost their leaves so there were already a lot of naked branches out there but at least there was some other color.  Since then it has snowed again and the yellow conifers have dropped their needles so I guess I'll have to wait a few months before I get to see anything other than grey and green now...

Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Digit-al Dozen does Look Up - Apple products

Hey there!  It's Day 4 of The Digit-al Dozen's Look Up week.  Today's post is something that I see approximately 80% of the time that I look up but much closer to my face than the other things I've put on my nails this week.  It's Apple products!  I've become one of those people who are uncomfortable being unplugged so it feels like I'm almost always looking at either my laptop or my phone.  I should be much more comfortable being without external distractions but I'm least not right now.  On the plus side, it means I got to do this shiny nail art!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Digit-al Dozen does Look Up - Tropical Painting

Hey there!  For the middle of The Digit-al Dozen's week of Look Up manis, I have something that seems unbelievable considering I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada...palm trees!  But this is indeed something I see every time I look up from my couch.  Unfortunately it's not what I see when I look out the window.  Instead, it's a painting I bought on vacation a million years ago.  I don't even remember if it was in Mexico or the Dominican Republic but it was definitely one of those two lovely, warm places.  And now it lives under one of the clocks I talked about yesterday...

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Digit-al Dozen does Look Up - Clocks

Hey there!  Continuing with this week's Digit-al Dozen theme of Look Up (The First Thing You See), I did some time-related stamping.  I realized that I am VERY uncomfortable when I don't know what time it is (which is somewhat ironic since I'm almost always late for everything).  The only time that doesn't apply is when I'm at the lake since that's the place where I'm relaxed and time has no meaning.  But at home, I've been wearing a watch since I was in grade 4, there's a clock in both my labs (and in the lab through the window where I frequently check their clock to make sure mine is correct), a clock in my bedroom, two in the kitchen and one in the living room.  Not to mention, my computer, my phone, my car and my PVR.  So, while none of my clocks are as fancy as this stamping image, I certainly look up and see the time almost constantly.

Monday, November 12, 2018

The Digit-al Dozen does Look Up - Ceiling Tiles

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Hey there!  It's time for this month's week of Digit-al Dozen goodness!  This month our theme was "Look Up - First Thing You See".  This one was a challenging but fun one, that I took quite literally.  It also taught me that I don't have a whole lot of color around me which is a bit depressing!  I ended up with almost all black/white/grey or shades of beige designs this week.  My first one was inspired by what I see when I look up ~40 hours per week...the plain old ceiling tiles in my office at work.  You know the kind.  They're grey with little holes in them and can be found in pretty much every office across the land.  I actually did two manis with this idea, the first with stamping, but I prefer this one using stencils.

Friday, November 9, 2018

UberChic Beauty Give Thanks Stamping Plate

Press  Sample

Hey there!  As a Canadian, Thanksgiving has come and gone for the year and I didn't even do a mani to celebrate this year.  BUT American Thanksgiving is coming up in a couple weeks!  With the help of UberChic Beauty's Give Thanks stamping plate, I got to do a couple of Thanksgiving manis which will, hopefully, give some of my American friends out there some inspiration.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Autumn Dotticure Nails

Hey there!  I hope everyone had a spectacular weekend and enjoyed time change day (my personal favourite day of the year even though I know not everywhere gets to change their clocks).  I think I stayed up until about 4 am doing my nails and binge watching TV which, with the clock change, was only 3 am which is a far more reasonable time to go to bed, haha!  I got to play with a couple UberChic plates and some Madam Glam polishes so you can expect to see the results of my insomnia sometime this week hopefully.  But for today, I have a fall manicure, once again using the Girly Bits Fall Cremes from last year.  I've used these a ton this year.  She released a new set on Friday at 10 am and my checkout receipt for the whole set came through by 10:01 am...needless to say, I love Pam's cremes since she's formulated them to be wonderful for nail art.  I can't wait to see them in person!  Anyway, here's a dotticure twist on a fall leaves mani...

Friday, November 2, 2018

Nail Crazies Unite - Plaid

Hey there!  Now that Halloween is over I'm back to posting non-holiday nails.  Today's Nail Crazies Unite prompt is Plaid.  I happened to do these before I even know UberChic was coming out with a plaid plate (which ended up being AMAZING).  Luckily, I do have other plaid plates.  UberChic's is great because the layering ideas are obvious and plentiful.  I had to make do layering plaid off a different plate with images that made it a bit more challenging but I still like the outcome.